Trust & Safety

Fight Fraud and Abuse.

Learn how to fight numerous types of fraudulent activities, product abuse, and platform abuse by accelerating data analysis and correlation. Let us show you how to combat numerous types of insider threats, corporate fraud, and embezzlement through graphical link analysis and the power of multiple data integrations.

Videos and Masterclasses

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Mario Rojas, former Maltego SME and threat intelligence expert, takes us into the hidden world of fake document sales. Mario dives headfirst into the world of fake documents to discover and analyze the infrastructure used by groups in the fake document supply chain. 
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Andrew Fordred, cyber intelligence expert and former cyber investigator, tackles the difficult challenge of creating intelligence when starting with only a simple piece of information. Andrew uses Maltego combined with other OSINT tools to match phone numbers and email addresses with people and organizations.

Check out our other videos now!

Handbooks and Case Studies

Recommended Courses

Maltego Foundations 1

Maltego Advanced

Investigative Deep Dive: Cyber Threat Intelligence
(Coming Soon)