Getting Started with Maltego

New to Maltego? Follow the steps in this guide to get started!

Maltego ID

In order to use your Maltego license, access your Maltego credits and log into Maltego Graph, Monitor and Search, you need to set up your Maltego ID. Maltego Evidence does not currently require a Maltego ID for access.

If you are part of an organization, your organization's Maltego Admin needs to add you to your organization's space.
The steps below will guide you through the process of setting up your Maltego ID. Organization plan users can also refer to this full Maltego ID Activation guide.
1. Create your Maltego ID
    i. Go to the registration page.
    ii. Enter your credentials.
    iii. Verify your email address. 

2. Maltego Admin 

Set up your Maltego Tools

Select below the tool you want to set up.

Maltego Graph

Maltego Search

Maltego Evidence
(Social Network Harverster)

Maltego Monitor

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