
Track Digital Footprints.

Learn how to track down digital footprints of criminals within minutes, including Names, aliases, email addresses, social media accounts, and images. Let us show you how to access and analyze information from the deep & dark web, social media, cryptocurrency, or other OSINT or governmental databases.

Videos and Masterclasses

Write your awesome label here.
Mario Rojas, former Maltego SME and threat intelligence expert, takes us into the hidden world of fake document sales. Mario dives headfirst into the world of fake documents to discover and analyze the infrastructure used by groups in the fake document supply chain. 
Write your awesome label here.
Mathieu Gaucheler, Maltego SME and cybersecurity expert, dives into the dark web forum Dread to find information about someone selling a weapon illegally. Follow along with Mathieu as he uses Maltego, in combination with multiple data sources, to uncover more information about the transaction and those involved. 

Check out our other videos now!

Handbooks and Case Studies

Recommended Courses

Maltego Foundations 1

Maltego Advanced

Investigative Deep Dive: Person of Interest and Social Media Investigations (Coming Soon)